Use of UAV in agriculture: multisensor surveys and post-processing of acquired data
Save the Date: Monday 28 November 2022, 09:30-12:30
Speakers: Dott.ssa Giovanna Sona (Reasearcher at PoliMi, Dep. of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Organizer: Prof. Arianna Facchi
On site: Aula Informatica Ingegneria Agraria
Remote: via Microsoft Team ( – Pin: bymti7o)
In the last decade the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to map vegetation lead to several applications in support of Precision Agriculture (PA). The lecture will focus on the use of UAV, by illustrating the basic concepts of photogrammetric processing, that is the core of the semi-automatic processing of set of images acquired in a flight, by describing the correct planning of a survey, and the statistical post-processing techniques to be applied to produce maps useful in PA. An overview of the main software packages used and some examples of application will conclude the lecture.