As part of the project “Participatory dissemination of sustainable management models for dairy goat farming in Lombardy through innovative tools” (DEMOCAPRA), funded by the Lombardy Region in the context of Operation 1.2.01 – “Demonstration and information projects” of the Regional Development Plan, 90 technical sheets dedicated to various aspects of goat farming and of the production of dairy products were prepared. The work was carried out by DISAA staff, in collaboration with the ARAL technical staff, and covers various general aspects of the organization of the farm and numerous specific aspects, such as feeding, milking, hygiene practices. health, genetics and reproduction, housing structures, kid breeding, animal welfare, environmental and economic sustainability, and transformation into dairy products. Each sheet is informative and deals in a simple and clear way with a specific topic, schematically summarizing in a two-sided page all the most important and updated knowledge that a good farmer must know on that topic in order to be a good farmer and produce quality milk and dairy products. The sheets are therefore intended to encourage farmers to acquire knowledge related to improving economic and environmental performance and good farming practices. A binder with all the plastic sheets, for immediate use and consultation in the field, will be distributed during the final conference at the end of the project. The technical sheets are also available and freely downloadable from the project website (https://sites.unimi.it/democapra/).


DEMOCAPRA (2020) Schede tecniche DEMOCAPRA. Università degli Studi di Milano & Associazione Regionale Allevatori della Lombardia, Milano.

LINK: https://sites.unimi.it/democapra/index.php/volume-completo/