Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Festa del Perdono 7, Aula Magna
24-28 June 2019
Over the last decade, soilless cultivation has significantly improved the performances of horticultural systems. This aspect of horticultural production is expected to increase in the future due to the expanding needs of the global population and the scarcity of natural resources. The environmental concerns associated to traditional peat-based growing media have prompted scientists to examine alternative materials (biomasses derived from forestry and waste streams actually represent the most sustainable option in view of circular economy and to refine the research instruments and methods. For these reasons, the goal of the III International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting, and Substrate Analysis was to provide a scientific update to scientists and industries involved in this area. The Symposium was convened by Patrizia Zaccheo (University of Milan), together with the Regional Agency for Rural Development – Friuli Venezia Giulia and the University of Catania under the aegis of the International Society for Horticultural Science. The symposium gathered 190 participants from 31 countries, who gave 55 oral and 88 poster presentations. The event was divided into nine sessions: Novel components and innovative processing of growing media (GM); Life in GM; Advances in GM characterization; Biochar production and use in GM; Compost production and use in GM; State of the art and future directions of GM industries; Traditional and new cultivation systems; Water and mineral nutrition; Sustainability of GM. During a field day the participants visited some leading Italian companies in green waste composting and the use of GM and vegetables production and processing. During the symposia, several awards were given, two of these received by researchers at DiSAA: Ambrogio Pigoli, PhDstudent of the Ricicla Group, and Livia Martinetti, professor of Floriculture and Turf.
Figure: Foto di gruppo.
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