Competition for 2 post-doc type A two years fellowships (possibly renewable), for a collaboration to research activities at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production, Territory, Agroenergy (DiSAA), of the University of Milan.General announcement is detailed at the link (La Statale – Assegni di Ricerca), while available research lines are listed in the follow:
- Sustainable and efficient livestock production: new technology
- Identification of resistance genes against Plasmopara viticola in grapevine
- Modelling, management, and remediation of stormwater runoff in peri-urban and rural ecosystems
- Sensing and biosensing for plant high-throughput phenotyping
- Agricultural mechanization sustainability
- Insights into phytoplasma-associated plant diseases
- Sustainability and welfare in livestock farms
- Dissection of drought-stress regulatory networks in maize
Deadline for proposals is 30 June 2020 12:00 AM. For any other information, please do not hesitate to contact the contact person of each research line.
All the information on the procedures for the establishment of a type A or B cheque, addressed to the staff of the University facilities, are available on the website La Statale@work.
Milano, june 4, 2020____________